Our Favourite Cheat Day Meal – Recipe Two!

As mentioned in my last blog ‘Our First Cheat Day Meal – Recipe 1’, the delicious bread is best paired with salsa. So here is the salsa recipe, it makes a considerable amount as we generally use it for enchiladas and freeze left overs. This recipe is a combination of every salsa recipe I haveContinue reading “Our Favourite Cheat Day Meal – Recipe Two!”

Our Favourite Cheat Day Meal – Recipe One!

The first few weeks of lockdown my boyfriend and I ate like we were on holiday, after weeks of questioning our weight gain and feeling sluggish we decided it was likely our diet, so poor diet no more! We have been calorie counting our meals and learning portion control over the last few weeks. PortionContinue reading “Our Favourite Cheat Day Meal – Recipe One!”

Gardening With No Garden – Part 1

I live in a ground floor flat. I have no garden but I do have the tiniest patio space that leads onto a public path. There is no where for me to plant anything which I wasn’t bothered about when I moved in. As time went on and I started decorating, I found an unnaturalContinue reading “Gardening With No Garden – Part 1”

Super Simple Mango Smoothie

As a picky eater I often struggle to get my five fruit and veg a day. In fact, as shameful as it is for me to admit it, there are often weeks where I am not confident I even get five fruit or veg in seven days! I am making it a habit to tryContinue reading “Super Simple Mango Smoothie”

My First Blog Bake – Chocolate Chip Cookies

I decided to ease into the baking and blogging thing with what I thought would be an easy, no fail recipe: chocolate chip cookies. Keep reading to find out how wrong I was! The recipe I used is from The Student Cookbook by Gina Steer, this book was given to me a few Christmas’ agoContinue reading “My First Blog Bake – Chocolate Chip Cookies”

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